/* One Sample T-test and Confidence Interval for the Mean
Comparing Mean BMI to 21.7, the Center of the Normal Range */

filename t01 url 'http://hedwig.mgh.harvard.edu/biostatistics/sites/default/files/public/education/tmp_sample_data.csv';

proc import file=t01 out=t01 dbms=csv replace;

proc ttest data=t01 h0=21.7;
var bmi;

/********************************** ANNOTATED RESULTS **********************************/

                                 The SAS System

                              The TTEST Procedure

                                 Variable: bmi

          N        Mean     Std Dev     Std Err     Minimum     Maximum

         60     26.0067a    3.7602      0.4854     17.3000     34.0000

             Mean       95% CL Mean        Std Dev      95% CL Std Dev

          26.0067     25.0353  26.9780b    3.7602      3.1873   4.5862

                             DF    t Value    Pr > |t|

                             59       8.87      <.0001c
a Mean BMI
b 95% confidence interval for mean
c P-value indicating mean is significantly different than 21.7