/* Logrank test for two group survival difference */

filename t01 url 'http://hedwig.mgh.harvard.edu/biostatistics/sites/default/files/public/education/tmp_sample_data.csv';

proc import file=t01 out=t01 dbms=csv replace;

ods listing exclude ProductLimitEstimates;

proc lifetest data=t01 plots=(s);
time recurr_day*recurrence(0);
strata gender / test=logrank;

/********************************** ANNOTATED RESULTS **********************************/
                            The LIFETEST Procedure

                             Stratum 1: gender = 0

                Summary Statistics for Time Variable recurr_day

                               Quartile Estimates

                         Point          95% Confidence Interval
            Percent    Estimate    Transform      [Lower      Upper)

                 75        .       LOGLOG        273.000        .
                 50     273.000    LOGLOG         89.000        .
                 25     144.000    LOGLOG         67.000        .

                               Mean    Standard Error

                            228.182            26.004

NOTE: The mean survival time and its standard error were underestimated because
      the largest observation was censored and the estimation was restricted to
      the largest event time.
                            The LIFETEST Procedure

                             Stratum 2: gender = 1

                Summary Statistics for Time Variable recurr_day

                               Quartile Estimates

                         Point          95% Confidence Interval
            Percent    Estimate    Transform      [Lower      Upper)

                 75     314.000    LOGLOG        283.000     314.000
                 50     314.000    LOGLOG        275.000     314.000
                 25     277.000    LOGLOG        118.000     314.000

                               Mean    Standard Error

                            277.601            12.572

            Summary of the Number of Censored and Uncensored Values

      Stratum          gender       Total  Failed    Censored    Censored

            1               0          16       4          12       75.00
            2               1          44       8          36       81.82
        Total                          60      12          48       80.00

                            The LIFETEST Procedure

       Testing Homogeneity of Survival Curves for recurr_day over Strata

                                Rank Statistics

                          gender              Log-Rank

                                         0      2.0302
                                         1     -2.0302

                 Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics

          gender                               0                     1

                         0               1.55873              -1.55873
                         1              -1.55873               1.55873

                          Test of Equality over Strata

                                                      Pr >
                   Test      Chi-Square      DF    Chi-Square

                   Log-Rank      2.6442       1      0.1039a
a P-value indicating that the two survival curves are not significantly different
Kaplan Meier Survival Curves